
Meet Danner

Danner is a 3 year old, 65lb, male husky/malamute. He is fixed and up-to-date on shots. 

Danner is looking for a unicorn home. He would thrive with a single person (or possibly an established couple) that understands a dog who has issues with resource guarding and fear-based aggression. He enjoys a quiet, calm home where he can relax and cuddle near his human while also being able to join them on adventures such as hiking, snowshoeing/xcountry skiing, camping, beach trips, and being paddled around in a kayak. 

Danner is house and crate trained and knows basic commands such as sit, stay, down, wait, leave it, come, and high five. Sometimes his husky selective hearing shows up so he does well with regular practice with these commands. He pulls on a leash when trying to get to a smell or another creature, but has been showing progress through training on that. 

Danner would do best as an only dog/pet, however he has cohabitated with other dogs before - it just requires extra attention around feeding and toys. He also likes to play rough and is a big boy so he can be intimidating to other dogs/people. He has done fine with sharing a fence line with chickens and goats but has killed 2 chickens that decided to explore his side of the yard. Knowing his breed I have kept him away from cats and am assuming cats within his reach would have the same fate as the chickens. 

I am rehoming Danner because my home environment has changed and he has not adjusted well to it. He has shown aggression and bit my new partner and has been reactive towards my partner's dog. Due to that bite experience, I am being selective with his new owner and home. Danner has so much to offer and has been the best companion, but he's not happy with the addition to our pack. 

If interested, please contact me (Katie) at kclare428@gmail.com or 503-502-8744 (text only please)